Tier 3 IV Infusion

Tier 3 IV Infusion


The Tier 3 IV Infusion is ideal specific for issues that need a mix of 2 add-ins to knock ‘em out! If you have pain & nausea from dehydration, detox symptoms, the flu or other virus, insomnia, food poisoning, or a mild hangover, this is the package for you.

Alcohol causes the body to become dehydrated and absorbs many of your important vitamins needed for recovery. Vitamin B Complex boosts that recovery. The medications that are included in this package will decrease pain, reduce nausea, and increase energy. You also have the choice to take recovery to the next level with any combination of our add-ins, like zinc and glutathione to boost your body’s ability to detoxify. The Tier 3 package will give you that helping hand to continue the day without slowing down.

Accepted Payments for IV Therapy

We accept cash and most credit cards, including VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Our services are HSA (Health Savings Account) approved, so you can also pay that way. We do not accept insurance, but our costs are typically less than what you can expect to pay for an ER copay, without having to sit in a waiting room.