1000mL Bag $150

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is the body’s strongest internal (endogenous, meaning created by the body naturally) antioxidant.  It is made up of 3 amino acids:  glycine, glutamine, and cysteine.  It is significantly more powerful than lipoic acid or vitamin C. Levels of glutathione have been shown to diminish substantially with age as well as with chronic illness and poor health.

What does glutathione do?
Glutathione protects cell from free radical damage and helps improve cellular function at all levels (immune function, hormone levels, mitochondrial function, etc.)  As people get sick with chronic illness glutathione levels go down.  Maintaining adequate glutathione levels is not only critical for wellness but also getting well from chronic disease.

Why intravenous administration?
It has always been questioned how well oral glutathione gets absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, while most health professionals agree the best way is to give glutathione is intravenously to guarantee absorption.  Using oral glutathione therapy is much less effective than intravenous therapy for treating chronic illness.

What conditions can be helped by intravenous glutathione?
Any condition associated with excessive oxidative stress, inflammation, and free radical damage (which includes most major conditions) could theoretically be helped by intravenous glutathione.  Mitochondrial (cellular energy production) dysfunction is especially aided by glutathione.  The best-studied uses are for Parkinson’s Disease and side effect reduction associated with conventional cancer treatments.  Other potential uses include conditions such as multiple sclerosis, progressive neuropathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hypertension.

Added Benefits!

And on the flip side, subpar glutathione levels have been linked to every major aging process in the human body, so by fighting back with glutathione, you can help keep your energy levels higher, for longer. Having optimal glutathione levels much past the age of 20 are slim—with aging, your body is fighting a bit of a losing battle, with natural production dropping by roughly 10 percent per decade. About the time you hit 60, you are working with a bit over half the amount you made during your college years.

What that translates to health wise:

For many people, that translates to flagging energy, lowered immunity, and a host of low-grade ills. By boosting one’s glutathione levels, many people can slow the losses of the aging process and possibly stop some major health problems from setting up camp in your body.

Accepted Payments for IV Therapy

We accept cash and most credit cards, including VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Our services are HSA (Health Savings Account) approved, so you can also pay that way. We do not accept insurance, but our costs are typically less than what you can expect to pay for an ER copay, without having to sit in a waiting room.